Maple makineriak beti eman du kalitate goreneko neurrira Birziklapen Industria Altzairuzko Zehaztasun Galdaketa Piezen zerbitzua. Gure bezeroei kalitatezko pieza eta zerbitzuen maila gorenekoa eskaintzen diegu. Gure Birziklapen Industriako Altzairuzko Zehaztasun Galdaketa Piezen zerbitzua gure bezeroen behar zehatzak asetzeko diseinatuta dago eta gure taldeak balioa eskaintzeko konpromisoa hartzen du doitasun ingeniaritza eta tresna berritzaileen gaitasunen bidez.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaMaple makineria altzairu galdatuaren hornitzailea da. "Galdutako argizaria" metodoa oso doitasun handiko galdaketa konplexuak egiteko erabiltzen da. Ikuspegi orokor honen ondorioz, gure ingeniariek ahalmen handia dute produktuen diseinuan, birziklapenaren industriako altzairu galdaketako piezak eta materialen aukeraketan. Horrek esan nahi du, zurekin kontsultatuta, zure nahi eta eskakizun zehatzak betetzen dituzten birziklapen industriarako galdaketarik onenak ekoiz ditzakegula. Maple makineria zure garapen-kidea da galdaketa arrakastatsurako, elkarrekiko kontsultaren bidez galdaketa onena lortzeko helburuarekin.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaEskatutako produkturako Galdaketa-parametro onenak eskaintzeko, Maple Makineriak Off Highway Industry Altzairu herdoilgaitzezko galdaketa-piezak fabrikatzen ditu CAD teknologia berriena erabiliz, gure bezeroei argizaria injekzio-moldeak kostu lehiakorrean eskaintzeko. Argizarizko injekzio-moldearen koherentzia dimentsionala ematen eta onartzen duen aparatua autodiseinatzen da piezen marrazki teknikoen neurrien arabera, neurketaren zehaztasuna errepikatzeko.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaMaple makineriak metal mota guztiak prozesatzen ditu eta gure esperientziak petrolioaren eta gasaren industriaren altzairu herdoilgaitzezko galdaketarako piezen fabrikazioa erraz osatzeko aukera ematen digu. Altzairu herdoilgaitza gure laborategiko ohiko materialetako bat da. Lankidetzaren bidez zerbitzu osoak eskaintzeko eta irtenbide tekniko eta ekonomikoak emateko aukera ematen digu hornidura-iturri moldagarriak eta anitzak eskainiz. Ekoizpen-kate osoa barnean integratzea erantzuna, maisutasun teknikoa eta kalitatea bermatzeko. Eta optimizazio ekonomikorako proposamenak.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaWe have rich experience in the field of steel, steel, aluminum, special alloy and other agricultural machinery. All Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts are made by different processes, including sand casting, investment casting, centrifugal casting, die casting, forging, machining, etc. We have been serving international industrial markets for more than 15 years. Our primary goal is to retain the loyalty of existing customers and win new business through exemplary customer service, low cost, high quality, fast shipping, complete order fulfillment and custom processing. 产品内容 Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts Product Introduction Maple machinery's services include heat treatment, machining and surface treatment. Heat treatment involves heating and cooling a metal to change the physical and mechanical properties of Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts. Heat treatment controls properties such as hardness, strength, toughness, ductility, and elasticity. We also offer a full range of machining services. With our surface treatment service, we can treat your products to improve corrosion resistance, wear resistance and appearance. 2. Product Parameter (Specification) Item Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts Roughness Ra 1.6 Tolerance ±0.01mm Material Casting Steel Certification ISO 9001:2015 Weight 0.01-2000KG Machining CNC Heat Treatment Quenching & Tempering Inspection MT/UT/X-Ray Lead Time 30 Days Package Plywood Case Method Investment Casting Capacity 50000 Pcs / Month Origin Ningbo, China 3. Maple’s Service for Agricultural Machinery Maple machinery is one of the trusted and reliable manufacturers and suppliers of Stainless Steel Casting Parts, Vick serves the global needs of Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts and ensures high quality products and on-time delivery in every transaction. In our foundry, we mainly process carbon steel and alloy steel materials. We inherited the casting process from our great-grandfather, and have a skilled labor force and professional technical experts to meet different needs. 4.Supporting Service for Agricultural Machinery As mentioned above, in order to work in adverse conditions, the performance of the Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts must be excellent. Therefore, it’s not enough to only produce raw castings or forgings, but also need heat treatment, machining, surface treatment, NDT testing, etc. Heat treatment: heat treatment is the critical step to improve the mechanical properties of the workpiece. We can formulate the process according to the strength requirements of the parts, and improve the mechanical properties of the parts such as hardness, yield strength, tensile strength and elongation by heat treatment Machining: we have our own machine shop, and can complete almost all machining requirements with advanced equipment. Surface treatment: the purpose of surface treatment is to make parts work in adverse environment. Zinc plating can prevent parts from rusting; Nickel plating can enhance the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of parts; Phosphating can prevent parts from corrosion… Non-destructive testing (NDT): NDT is the last and most important step. Maple will NDT the parts to ensure that there are no surface defects (such as cracks, sand holes, blow holes) and no internal defects (shrinkage and slag) on the delivered parts. Common Material for Mining Industry We have the ability to manufacture all steel standard materials as well as special materials. The following are our common materials for manufacturing Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts: Carbon Steel:1015, 1020, 1035, 1045, 20Mn, 25Mn, A570.GrA, SJ355, C45… Alloy Steel:4130, 4135, 4140, 4340, 8620, 8640, 20CrMo, 42CrMo4, 34CrNiMo6, 25CrMo… Stainless steel:304, 304L, 316, 316L, 410, 416, CF8, CF8M, PH17-4, CK20… Gray Iron:GG-15, GG-20, GG-25, Class 20B, Class 25B, Class 30B, GJL-250, GJL-300… Ductile Iron:GGG-40, GGG-50, 60-40-18, 65-45-12, 70-50-05, 80-55-06 QT500-7, QT400-18, QT700-2 … High Chromium cast iron:15%Cr-Mo-HC, 20%Cr-Mo-LC, 25%Cr… Aluminum:AlSi7Mg, AlSi12, AlSi10Mg, A356, A360… High Manganese steel: X120Mn12, Mn12, Mn13… 5.The Parts We Supplying for The Agricultural Machinery We have manufactured a wide range of Agricultural Machinery Stainless Steel Casting Parts. The following are typical products: Brackets, Rototiller tines, Tillage Points, Seed Drills, Chain Sprocket Locust Harrows, Levers, Plough, Pivots, Covers, Clevises, Handles and Latches, Suitcase Weights, Pumps & Valves, and Hardware.. 6.Why Investment Casting Investment casting is a leading process used for the production of high-quality castings and is used to make metal alloys. The key advantage of the investment casting process is that it can help to cast metals with high melting temperatures and create parts with complex geometry that are much needed in industries like aircraft, automotive, and military. As professional investment casting manufacturer, our specialized technique is widely applied to get heavier, stronger, and complex shapes for investment castings. When you trade with us, you get several benefits such as lower costs, a cheaper molding process for complex designs, and higher accuracy. Another competitive benefit enjoyed by Maple Machinery is its leading position in China for casting technology. We will provide precision castings and micron-level processing services.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsultaMaple makineriak ekipamendu moderno eta sofistikatuetan inbertitzen du Sistema Hidraulikoaren Altzairu Galdutako Argizari Galdaketa Piezen bezeroen eskakizun guztiak betetzeko fidagarritasunari, errepikakortasunari eta malgutasunari dagokionez. Maple makineriak esperientzia zabala du argizaria galtzeko galdaketan eta industria-ziurtagirietan, aldi bakoitzean eguneratzen eta hobetzen diren.
Irakurri gehiagoBidali kontsulta